Post by wheelinarcherwhy is 2004 so unstable? this is the third time in nine months I have had
a crash. I am not talking blue screen of death, I am talking full blown
unable to open cad at all. I just spent two hours trying to re-install, yes
it is Easter but when the office is attatched to your house.... regardless,
still nothing. I am ready to trash anything labeled ADESK. ANYONE ELSE
Do get upset with me...but have you tried the following:
(After I did all this, my occasional crashes disappeared)
1) Remove all spyware/malware crap on your PC. Use AdAware, Spybot, etc.
2) Update and run anti-virus (I'm sure that you did, but do it again just to
check it off the list). Make sure that the anti-virus program is set to NOT
scan DWG files. Maybe this is causing the problem.
3) Disable all non-essential programs running in the background, even if
they only take up minimal system resources. Examples? File sharing or
scanner software.
4) You'll really start to get cranky with this one...double your RAM,
especially if you have less than 512Mb. I've seen Windows 2000 and
sometimes XP crash when installed on a PC with too little memory (regardless
of what the "minimum requirements" says).
Tell us what happens.